We did it! We actually homeschooled from March to May, and it worked. Homeschooling was never on my radar, but when our move occurred in March it was the best option. Since we didn't know what district we would be buying in, Eric and I hated to start Ethan in a new school in March and possible another new school in the fall. So I filled out the necessary paperwork (which is ridiculously easy), borrowed curriculum from my mom and sister, and jumped in. Ethan did so great, and he actually enjoyed it. I am so proud of him!! I was a little worried because in GA homework was not his favorite thing to do. I soon realized it was because he had been at school all day and was tired. By starting first thing in the morning we had completed all subjects by lunch. The time is so focused with only one. I rarely was met with resistance. He is such a good student (like his teachers have always told us). Graham did great too. I couldn't be as creative as his 4 day church preschool, but I tried. He would do science and social studies with me and Ethan. I'm pretty sure he knows more about the Cherokee Indians and solids, liquids, and gases than most 4 year olds:) I was worried that Noah would be a challenge. Most days I read books to him and played trains while Ethan and Graham were working. He would also sit at the table and "draw, draw". All of them loved music which was sitting in a circle and singing fun songs. Our version of lunch and P.E. was fun too--daily picnics at the nature center followed by the playground and playing tag. We are still not sure where we will buying a home but have narrowed it down to two areas; one with the best public schools and one where a hybrid homeschool program is our only option. It is relieving to know if we go we option #2 I can do it and so can the boys and that it will only be 3 days at home.
Busy at work |
Our daily version of P.E. |
One of our science projects |
But now summer is here!! It's time for swimming, snowballs, vacation, and relaxing.
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