This year we celebrated Easter 2 1/2 hours south at Eric's parent's home. Eric is blessed to still have all 4 grandparents living. It's so nice to get so many generations together with aunts, uncles, and cousins.
We headed down on Saturday morning after we all had 24 hours of antibiotics (strep throat struck again!). Most of the visit was spent outside--the weather was beautiful and the temperature was mild. For an inside break, we dyed and decorated Easter eggs for Sunday's hunt. The kids (and adults) were really creative. They turned out great. It is interesting dyeing fresh brown, white, and green eggs. The colors take differently with each type. My personal fave were the brown eggs.
Another requested activity is to ride around the property on the lawnmower trailer. The boys love doing this with Nana and Pops. Millie, the dog, even got in on the action this time.
Eric's paternal grandparents live down the same road so we decided to make a quick visit. The kids climbed trees, inspected Grandaddy's garden, played on the boat, and fed some fish in the pond. Little boys and the country do go together.
To end the day, Pops and Eric took Ethan and Graham on an evening plane ride over the town. Little pilots in the making.
Easter Sunday started bright and early at Eric's childhood church. It was nice to see old friends and family. We are so thankful to have been raised by families who love Jesus. Ethan and Graham had some really big questions this year about the resurrection. We treasure the moments when we are able to share about God's love with them. We really missed going to Buckhead Church but know there is a church in Jackson for our family. On a side note, only in an old country church do people show up for Easter Sunday on their antique tractors and trucks.
The remainder of the day was full of food, egg hunts, garden planting, and more lawnmower rides. We left feeling tired but thankful.
Cousins (impossible to get all 5 smiling) |
Cousin Jackson |
New cousin, Evie |
With Grandpa |
Cousin Audrey |
Cousin Jobe |
Uncle Drew and Noah |
Happy Easter!